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Gas Processing Agreement

As of November 2005, Gas Processing and Gas Transportation were removed from the option to purchase and have been replaced by the Gas Handling Agreement.

The objectives of the Task Force were (i) to develop a custom gas processing agreement model widely acceptable to industry with a greater range of options for the user; (ii) to develop a custom gas processing agreement model that shares a common terminology with the custom gas processing agreement model while retaining the distinct clauses required for transportation; and (iii) to maintain consistency in both models with the 1999 PJVA Model Construction, Ownership and Operation Agreement.

Included with the model agreements were commentaries and samples of exhibits that provided the user with a wide range of options to reflect various forms of business arrangements that may occur and the range of preferences among companies with respect to certain provisions. These models were used in conjunction with JP-95, which deals with fees in much more detail than the models do.