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JVViews: November 2012 Issue

Don't Miss These Fast Approaching Events!

Task Force Update

Member Inspiration Requested!

eStudies and Web Based Learning

Looking for a New Opportunity?

PJVA LinkedIn® Group

PJVA 2011-12 Annual Report

Don't Miss These Fast Approaching Events!

November Luncheon - Metropolitan Centre
Tuesday, November 20

Quest CCS Project, presented by Len Heckel
Register Now >>

14th Annual Christmas Social - Calgary Petroleum Club
Wednesday, November 28

You only have until November 26 to confirm your attendance at this popular holiday networking event!
RSVP Now >>

Task Force Update

Martine O'Connor, Director, Task Forces

Well it's that time of year again, when the Task Force Groups re-convene and carry on from last season. It will be another busy year for the PJVA members involved with the Task Force portfolios. There are several ad hoc committees underway. The following will give you a brief update on our activities for the upcoming year.

The Agreement Monitoring Committee, (AMC) is a standing committee charged with the review and maintenance of existing model agreements, as well as the identification of additional required model agreements. This AMC is also responsible for monitoring the use of the PJVA model agreements and the need for education or discussion of them. This year, the AMC will work in conjunction with the CO&O Task Force, Emulsion Handling Agreement Task Force, and the AMC will review and finalized the Well Administration Agreement. Our committee meets every second month or more frequent if necessary and is made up of the following members:

Cindy McIvor
Karen Hall
Richelle Lindsay
Marilyn McAvoy
Jan McLean
Martine O'Connor
Trevor Ross

Issues with the current PJVA model agreements, questions about model wording and of potential new model agreements may be referred to any member of the Agreement Monitoring Committee.

The Emulsion Handling Agreement Task Force (EHA), led by Marcel Savoie, has made great progress with a new draft of the Emulsion Handling Agreement that the AMC has reviewed and sent back to the EHA Task Force for further handling. The Emulsion Handling Agreement will be sent to selected senior joint venture experts for their review and comments. The mandate is to get a final Emulsion Handling Agreement for use in the industry in 2013. The EHA Task Force is made up of the following members:

Deidra Garyk
Tanis Kalynchuk
Marcel J. Savoie
Beth Swift-Hill

I would like to thank the members of the EHA Task Force for all their time, hard work and commitment to date.

The CO&O Agreement Committee, led by Tim Reimer, is underway. The CO&O Agreement Task Force has formed several separate committees to handle the different parts of the CO&O and the individual Appendices within the agreement. They hope to have a draft updated agreement ready for review in 2013. The CO&O Agreement Committee is made up of the following members:

Carrie Fyfe
Nick Harris
Crawford Hutchinson
Jan McLean
Lynda MacNeil
Ib Moller
Tim Reimer
John Rothwell
Subcommittee Volunteers

I would like to thank the CO&O Agreement Committee for all their time, hard work and commitment to date and would also like to thank the new subcommittee volunteers. Your time and expertise is appreciated.

Table of Contents

Member Inspiration Requested!

2013 will be the 25th Anniversary of PJVA's golf tournament. Please visit the comment submission page to provide your ideas on how to make this a special event!

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eStudies and Web Based Learning

Do you have your sights set on Joint Venture Administration? Check out the Introduction to Joint Venture Administration course on PJVA eStudies! This course introduces learners to Joint Venture Administration and the way in which Joint Venture Agreements are revised and maintained.

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Looking for a New Opportunity?

Check out the PJVA Job Board for recent postings.

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PJVA LinkedIn® Group

PJVA is now on LinkedIn®, the world's largest professional network. It's a great way to stay connected and exchange ideas with other PJVA members and industry professionals.

Click here to join the discussion!

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PJVA 2011-12 Annual Report

The 2011-12 Annual Report is available on the Annual Reports page.

Table of Contents

PJVA was incorporated in 1985 to represent individuals and organizations involved in petroleum joint ventures. JVViews is published to keep members informed about upcoming PJVA and industry events, courses and seminars offered and/or sponsored by PJVA and current projects being facilitated by the Association.