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Notes from the Editor

Diane Mousseau, Publicity Director
Welcome to the Summer Edition of the JVViews. I have decided to pass the mantle to others with fresh ideas, so this is my last editorial for JVViews. I will be assuming another role with the PJVA board, although what that will be has not, as yet, been confirmed.
My editorial objective over the past two years has been to provide a magazine focusing on our day-to-day business that would be useful as a reference guide on a variety of pertinent topics. I hope that you will agree that I have accomplished this goal.
To help make our information more timely, the Association has made a significant start on the PJVA website and, over the past two years, worked to make it a more vibrant and informative tool. We have had over 21,000 visitors to our site in the past three years, which is a testament to the quality of information being provided. If you aren't familiar with the website, these are the topics you will find:
- Seminar and course information/registration;
- Luncheon announcements/registration;
- Breakfast meeting topics and dates;
- Model agreements and discussion papers;
- Photo albums; and
- Job ads and resumes.
Over the past few months, we have had several companies place job opportunities on the site and we have received favourable feedback from these companies. We look forward to continuing this service.
I would like to acknowledge the members who have called, written, or spoken to me personally over the past year with feedback on the magazine and website. I appreciate your kindness and recognition.
Also, a debt of gratitute to those who contributed articles for the magazine over the past two years, notably John Stayura, Ib Moller, Jim MacLean, Edith Gillespie, Todd McRae, Alan Harvie, Mark Smith, Dave Savage, and every member of the PJVA Board of Directors. You are instrumental in making this publication a learning tool for all our members.
And, a special note of recognition to my friend, Paul O'Gorman, who has graciously taken on the task of handling our luncheon reviews and added a new twist - the "In My Opinion" response. You're a great writer Paul, and I look forward to reading more of your enlightened opinions in the future!
Over the past few weeks the Board of Directors has had some discussions regarding the editorial staff for our magazine. We would like to expand our team and are looking for volunteers for the following: researchers (scoping out interesting articles and contributing writers), article writers, proofreaders, and photographers. If you are interested in contributing to our magazine in any of these capacities, please call me at 251-4448 or Cheryl Pritchard at 205-7628.
And now, I bid you farewell. I hope you had a great Stampede and have a safe and happy summer.
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