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Volunteers Needed
at Turner Valley Gas Plant

The Turner Valley Gas Plant Historic Site, which is the only heritage resource of its kind in Canada, needs your help.
Located just east of the Town of Turner Valley, the gas plant is both a Provincial Historic Resource and a National Historic Site. The plan is to use the site's 22 buildings, dozens of vessels, machinery, pipelines and utility systems to interpret the commercial, technological and social dimensions of Alberta's petroleum sector between 1914 and 1947.
Originally, environmental clean-up, structural conservation, and interpretation of the gas plant was to have been completed in time for Alberta's centennial in 2005. Funding challenges have left that timetable in doubt. According to Regional Manager, Ian Clarke of Alberta Community Development, "it looks as though we will only be able to interpret the buildings from afar in 2005; we do not have the resources to complete the conservation program that would allow visitors inside, or to install our interpretive centre with hands-on displays and a small theatre to teach children and others about the evolution of the industry."
To augment its depleted budget, Alberta Community Development has turned to volunteers. The 500-member Calgary-based local of the international Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society has already stepped forward. Starting this summer, their members will be helping to conserve the site's extensive collection of metering equipment. According to Don Hammill, Manager of Technical Services with Barton Instruments, "we will be providing technical expertise, funding, materials, and labour. Our Society views this contribution as our way of giving back to an industry that has been very good to us over the years."
There are many aspects of site development that can benefit from public involvement. Opportunities exist for individual volunteers and corporate sponsors in metalwork, woodwork, glasswork, and other areas of structural conservation and environmental remediation. As the site moves toward a public opening in 2005, it will also need knowledgeable interpreters willing to share their insights about this centre of western industry.
- If you are interested in knowing more about the Turner Valley Gas Plant Historic Site, or finding out how you might participate in the preservation of this gem of Alberta's industrial heritage, please contact:
- Gary Duguay, Project Manager
- Turner Valley Gas Plant Historic Site
- Development Project
- Old St. Stephen's College
- 8820 - 112 Street
- Edmonton, AB T6G 2P8
- Phone: (780) 431-2365
- Fax: (780) 427-0808
- Email:
- Turner Valley Gas Plant Historic Site
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