Future Luncheons are being Finalized - Please check back for updates

Luncheon tickets may be purchased online or by contacting Corporate Administrators at various participating companies.
Members of CAPLA, CAPPA, CALEP, GPAC and EASC are entitled to pay the PJVA member rate to attend luncheons. Conversely, PJVA members will pay member rates of the above associations' luncheons. Please contact the associations for specific event details. You may access that information and register by using the following links:
Presentation notes and summaries for most previous PJVA luncheons can be downloaded by going to the Previous Luncheons page and locating the month/year of the luncheon you are looking for and clicking on the link to the summary.
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be made 72 hours prior to event and are subject to a $10 service fee per person. Within 72 hours, only substitutions will be accepted.
Disclaimer: From time to time, PJVA sponsors events for its members and other interested individuals. The presentations at these events are intended to be used for information purposes only. The opinions expressed therein are those of the presenter and not necessarily the position of the Petroleum Joint Venture Association. PJVA assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any of the presenter's information, products or process, whether oral or written, concerning the utility of all or any part of the presentation for any person's particular requirements and assumes no responsibility for any harm, however caused, from the use or misuse of all or any part of the presenter's information. PJVA makes no other warranty, express or implied, in fact or by law.