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Luncheon Reviews
Green Eggs and Ham – An Overview of the 2006 CAPL Operating Procedure
Jim MacLean, President, MacLean Resource Management Ltd.
Jim MacLean provided an overview of the work to date on the update to the 1990 CAPL Operating Procedure, including an overview of the major changes and the rationale and scope of the production facility provisions of the document.
The review of the CAPL Operating Procedure started a number of years ago with the first draft coming out in 2003. After some consultation with industry, a second draft was released in the fall of 2005. Another draft (and hopefully the final one) was scheduled to be released in the late fall of 2006 to early 2007. Industry had identified some required changes as we now have more complex operations as well as some changes to the legal and regulatory landscape.
One of the key recommended changes that will affect the Joint Venture side of the business relates to the management of the Production Facilities. There will be a push to establish more of a connection between the CAPL Operating Procedure and our CO&O document. The objective is to limit the scope of the operating procedure by shifting the management of larger facilities or facilities with third party production to the PJVA CO&O agreement.
For more details on the recommended changes, refer to Jim MacLean’s presentation. The draft CAPL Operating Procedure can be found on the CAPL website at
Conscious Competence in Skill Building
Vera Colville, Dale Carnegie Training; John M. Fisher & Associates
Vera Colville led a workshop style presentation to teach us methods on how to remember names and integrate techniques to create conversation AND keep it going. As JV specialists, building relationships is an integral part of our business and day-to-day lives, therefore expanding our knowledge and experience provides benefits in all aspects of our lives.
Vera gave us an interesting “picture” to help create a conversation with someone. Relying on pictures helps to trigger the memory of what questions to start with and how to build the conversation to keep it going. We were given the opportunity to try out the technique and with the “buzz” in the room it appeared that most were able to apply the concept without any trouble.
Vera left us with the following words of wisdom:
“Watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Choose your words, for they become your actions. Understand your actions, for they become your habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
Good advice indeed!
Moving Forward with Alberta’s Consultation Process
Graham Statt - Director of Resource Consultation, Land and Resource Issues Div, Alberta Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Graham Statt presented to the PJVA audience an overview of Alberta’s Consultation Process. The Government of Alberta’s First Nations Consultation Policy on Land Management and Resource Development was approved by Cabinet on May 16, 2005. Since that time, Alberta has been working on ministry-specific consultation guidelines to implement the policy. These guidelines were released on September 1, 2006 and can be found on the Alberta Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development website at
While Alberta’s consultation process has not been met with agreement by all parties, it is important for all stakeholders to understand and implement the requirements as set out in these documents. Graham’s presentation offered valuable insight into the requirements of the consultation process, the roles that each of the proponents play and the next steps that are being contemplated for the future. In particular, there will be a duty to consult with First Nations on many oil and gas projects. While this duty ultimately resides with the Crown, the execution of the consultation process will, in many cases, be left to the project proponents.
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Emissions to Energy – CO2 EOR
Bill Jackson, Apache Canada Ltd.
Bill Jackson is Manager, Joint Venture with Apache Canada Ltd. In addition to his joint venture responsibilities Bill also manages the commercial aspects of Apache’s two CO2 EOR/Sequestration projects.
Bill is a professional engineer having graduated from Carleton University in Ottawa in Mechanical Engineering. Bill has over 35 years of experience in the upstream oil and gas industry and has held positions in both the private and public sectors. Bill joined Apache in December 1999 when Apache acquired the Shell Canada Plains Business Unit.
Bill’s presentation provided an overview of CO2 emissions in Canada as they exist today plus a look into what the future might hold. He also outlined the CO2 sequestration projects currently underway in Canada, including two Apache projects in Midale Saskatchewan (CO2 flood/sequestration), and Zama, Alberta (acid gas disposal/EOR). Bill provided a fascinating overview of these projects which have the common joint benefits of acid gas sequestration and enhanced oil production.
Bill concluded his presentation by stating that “Commercial issues remain, such as pricing of CO2, availability of long term secure supply, allocation of risk and management of sequestration credits (including ownership)”. Despite probing questions from the audience regarding contractual terms, Bill diplomatically declined to reveal the terms of his agreements. A true JV professional!
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